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Zrozumieć znaczenie higieny snu
Zrozumieć znaczenie higieny snu Nie wszyscy zdajemy sobie sprawę, na ile mocno i długofalowo, na nasze zdrowie, zarówno psychiczne, jak i fizyczne, wpływają zaburzenia snu.
Migrena – jak wygląda leczenie i diagnoza
Migrena należy do grupy pierwotnych bólów głowy, czyli niebędących objawem innych chorób. Charakteryzuje się napadowym występowaniem bólu, któremu czasem towarzyszą dodatkowe objawy neurologiczne. Obecnie nie
14.04.2020 Mask duty
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Patients, Participants, Collaborators and Employees WE INFORM and REMIND that from 14.04.2020 (until further notice), in the entire CBK PI-House Center, a
We help!
Everyone is trying to help as much as they can. We don't waste time or possibilities and join in various actions. Masks that bravely sew our colleagues, for what
SHIELD, financial rebates during the epidemic
What changes? What possibilities? What help Disability certificates issued by the Municipal Disability Adjudication Group based in Gdańsk, ul. Dyrekcyjna 5, which
Instructions - masks
#ZostańWDomu! We have already shown our team involved in sewing personal protective equipment. They still work bravely! 😊 There is strength! 💪 Now a few tips on how to make such a mask yourself. Photos
Our work masks!
THANKS to the entire team (engaged in sewing masks) for ensuring the safety of us all! The work is in full swing, you can preview us here ...
General RECOMMENDATIONS in connection with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
What to do if you are sick and coronavirus is suspected? What medications to take and which to avoid? Ibuprofen belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
IMPORTANT INFORMATION for patients and participants of CBK PI-House
General recommendations - to protect against coronavirus infection: Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, then thoroughly
Communication: SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus
In connection with confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus cases in Poland, the Pomeranian Voivode has introduced a state of increased readiness. In connection with the above, CBK PI-House has taken preventive actions,
CBK PI-House with TransCelerate BioPharma accreditation
On November 11, 2017, our center was accredited by TransCelerate BioPharma to conduct certified training in Good Clinical Practice (GCP). Thus, CBK PI-House joined
CBK PI-House Member of the SCRS
Ladies and gentlemen! We are pleased and proud to announce that PI-HOUSE has been accepted to the Society for Clinical Research Sites (SCRS), a global association of clinical research centers,